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Pool Care Guide

This easy to use reference guide provided by GLB Pool Care will walk you through the simple steps to caring for your pool from opening day until you close for the winter. To get started, be sure to calculate the size of your pool below!

Problem Solver




Dirty filter Clean filter with GLB® Filter Cleanse filter cleaner. Renew sand filter efficiency with GLB® Filter. Backwash as necessary and clean filter thoroughly as needed.
pH too high Test pH and total alkalinity. Add pH Down as directed. Adjust as required. Test frequently and maintain a pH of 7.2–7.8 and a total alkalinity level of 80-120 ppm.
Free chlorine residual too low Test for chlorine residual and adjust as needed with a GLB® sanitizer, such as GLB® Triple Tab® chlorinating tablets. Treat with Oxy-Brite® non-chlorine shock oxidizer. Maintain free chlorine level of 1-4 ppm.
Filter not removing small particles Use GLB® Clear Blue® clarifier to coagulate small particles. Check filter operation. Use GLB® Clear Blue® clarifier (1 fl. oz. per 5,000 gals.) weekly.
Backwashing sand filters too often Backwash less frequently, only as recommended by the filter manufacturer’s directions. Use GLB® Filter Rinse* once a month.
Dissolved metals in the water Use GLB® Sequa-Sol® sequestering agent to control metals in the water. Use GLB® Sequa-Sol® sequestering agent (4 fl. oz. per 10,000 gals.) weekly.
Green Algae Use Algimycin® 3000 algaecide* or Algimycin® 2000 algaecide to destroy algae. Use GLB® Drop ‘N Vac® flocculent to help remove dead algae. Use Algimycin® 2000 algaecide (4-8 fl. oz. per 10,000 gals.) weekly.
Black Algae Use GLB® SuperSonic per label directions. Add Algimycin® 3000 algaecide* or Algimycin® 2000 algaecide as directed and then brush pool surfaces daily until algae is gone. Use GLB® Drop ‘N Vac® flocculent to help remove dead algae. Use Algimycin® 2000 algaecide (4-8 fl. oz. per 10,000 gals.) weekly. Adjust returns to provide better water flow over affected area.
Mustard Algae Clean filter with GLB® Filter Cleanse filter cleaner. Brush affected areas. Use Algimycin® 3000 algaecide* or Algimycin® 2000 algaecide or Strike Out® Algaecide for Swimming Pools. Use GLB® Drop ‘N Vac® flocculent to help remove dead algae. Use Algimycin® 2000 algaecide (4-8 fl. oz. per 10,000 gals.) weekly
Iron or Manganese dissolved in water Use GLB® Sequa-Sol® sequestering agent to suspend and inactivate stain-causing minerals. For extreme cases, use GLB® Super Sequa-Sol®* sequestering agent. Use GLB® Sequa-Sol® sequestering agent (8 fl. oz. per 10,000 gals.) weekly.
Dissolved copper from fill water; Corrosion of copper pipes or heater Use GLB® Sequa-Sol® or GLB® Super Sequa-Sol®* sequestering agents as directed. Test and adjust the pH and total alkalinity. Use GLB® Sequa-Sol® sequestering agent (8 fl. oz. per 10,000 gals.) weekly
Metals in water Use GLB® Stain Magnet to remove stains. Follow with GLB® Sequa-Sol® or GLB® Super Sequa-Sol®* sequestering agents as directed. Use GLB® Sequa-Sol® sequestering agent (8 fl. oz. per 10,000 gals.) weekly.
Unbalanced water Make necessary pH and total alkalinity adjustments. Maintain pH of 7.2-7.8 and total alkalinity of 80-120 ppm.
pH or alkalinity too high Correct with pH Down as directed. Use GLB® Sequa-Sol® or GLB® Super Sequa-Sol®* sequestering agents weekly.
Calcium content too high Dilute pool water with water of lower hardness. Use GLB® Sequa-Sol® or GLB® Super Sequa-Sol®* sequestering agents as directed. Use GLB® Sequa-Sol® or GLB® Super Sequa-Sol®* sequestering agents weekly.
Combined chlorine level is too high Treat with Oxy-Brite® non-chlorine shock oxidizer then test the free chlorine level and adjust to maintain a residual of 1-4 ppm. Maintain available chlorine level of 1-4 ppm at all times regardless of pool usage or weather conditions.
pH too low or too high Test pH and correct with pH Up* or pH Down. Maintain pH of 7.2-7.8 and total alkalinity of 80-120 ppm.
Combined chlorine level is too high Treat with Oxy-Brite® non-chlorine shock oxidizer. Test the free chlorine level and adjust to maintain a
residual of 1-4 ppm.
Test chlorine level daily. Maintain pH of 7.2-7.8, total alkalinity of 80-120 ppm and a free chlorine level of 1-4 ppm.
Grease and oil from swimmers Use enzyme-action GLB® Natural Clear® Clarifier* to dissolve oils and lotions. Clean walls and surfaces with GLB® TLC® surface cleaner. Clean filter with GLB® Filter Cleanse, GLB® Filter Fresh® filter cleaner* or GLB® Filter Rinse.* Shower before entering pool. Maintain a clean filter with periodic cleaning. Treat with Oxy-Brite® non-chlorine shock oxidizer after heavy pool use. Use GLB® Natural Clear® Clarifier* weekly.


* Available by Special Order: Algimycin® 3000 algaecide, GLB® Super Sequa-Sol®* sequestering agent, pH Up, GLB® Natural Clear® Clarifier, GLB® Filter Fresh® and GLB® Filter Rinse.
    All trademarks are owned by Lonza or its affiliates. ©2015 Lonza. All rights reserved. #GLBPOOLCRD/#05906651

Easy Maintenance

Keep your pool's water crystal clear with this easy three-day routine!

We recommend following these steps on Friday, Sunday, and Wednesday but you can choose any three days that are most convenient for you.


1. Test the pH, total alkalinity and sanitizer levels with 4 in 1 Test Strips. If necessary, adjust the levels with pH Up*, pH Down, GLB® Alkalinity Up or by replenishing your sanitizer.

2. Add Algimycin® 2000 algaecide (4-8 fl. oz. per 10,000 gals.) to prevent algae formation.

3. Add GLB® Sequa-Sol® sequestering agent (4 fl. oz. per 10,000 gals.) to prevent stains and scale.


1. Vacuum the pool and clean out the skimmer basket.

2. Wipe off the water line with a soft towel. Occasionally use GLB® TLC® surface cleaner for heavy buildup at the waterline.

3. Add Oxy-Brite® non-chlorine shock oxidizer (1 lb. per 10,000 gals.) to rid water of contaminants.

4. Check the filter’s operation. Refer to the filter manufacturer’s directions regarding when to backwash or clean the filter. Use GLB® Filter Cleanse each time the sand filter is backwashed.


Test the pH, total alkalinity and sanitizer levels with 4 in 1 Test Strips. If necessary, adjust the levels with pH Up*, pH Down, GLB® Alkalinity Up or your GLB® sanitizer.

Pool Closing

Ensure an easy spring startup when you close your pool correctly!

First, prepare the equipment.

1. Brush pool walls and floor. Vacuum any debris from the pool floor.

2. Clean the filter with GLB® Filter Cleanse .

Next, treat the water.

1. Add Oxy-Brite® non-chlorine shock oxidizer (1 lb. per 10,000 gals.) to destroy organic contaminants.

2. Add Algimycin® Winter algaecide* (32 fl. oz. per 10,000 gals. for solid-covered pools, 64 fl. oz. per 10,000 gallons for mesh-covered or uncovered pools) to prevent algae growth throughout the winter.

3. Add GLB® Sequa-Sol® sequestering agent (use the initial dose of 16 fl. oz. per 10,000 gals.) to protect the pool from stains and scale formation. Allow water to circulate for 12-24 hours. If in a mild climate where the pool is left full and uncovered with the filtration system still operating, regularly add your GLB® sanitizer, Algimycin® 2000 algaecide and GLB® Sequa-Sol® sequestering agent.

4. After cleaning and treating the pool, lower the water if you are in an area where the water must be lowered due to freezing conditions. Drain all water from pipes, pumps, heaters, filters and other pool equipment according to the manufacturer’s directions. If in a mild climate where the pool is left full and uncovered, refer to the manufacturer’s directions regarding filter operation.

Calculate the Size of Your Pool

To calculate in gallons:

Rectangular pool = (length x width x average depth) x 7.5

Round or oval pool = (length x width x average depth) x 5.9

Pool Chemistry

As you care for your pool, it is important for your pool water to be "in balance." Keeping water chemistry balanced will prevent the water from becoming corrosive or forming scale deposits, both of which can damage pool equipment.

Your pool water should always range in the following chemistry levels:

Total Alkalinity: 80-120 ppm

pH: 7.2-7.8

Sanitizer Level: 1-4 ppm


Always read label instructions prior to unsing and use ony as directed.

Always add the chemical to water and not water to chemical.

Never add chemicals to the water when people are in the pool.

Never mix one product with another prior to adding it to the water.

Always store pool management products in a cool dry location out of direct sunlight.

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